Growing Trees
Your town starts off with a number of trees already there, but these can be added to at your leisure by growing your own. There areseven kinds of trees:
Unlike flowers, they do not grow instantly, but instead take 3-4 days to develop fully. However, they do not require watering, and stepping on/walking over/running over saplings does not affect their growth. A common myth is that some trees only grow on the higher or lower tier but these are actually acre-based.
Trees don't always grow to full size, some of them wither or are stunted, and no fruit will develop (if it's a fruit tree).
There is a myth that a tree will become huge some how(the cause in unknown). Proof of a giant tree is in the bug section of the museum. There are huge stumps of what was a very big tree. Since there are only stumps, there is no other way to know what the tree might have looked like.So it might be that only a chopped down tree can result in what you see in the Museum. On another note, the trees in the front of the bug section are thiner than the ones in the back.The trees in the back look slightly taller and thicker.
On Feb. 18 at 6am, trees turn more green, but still with snow on them to celebrate the end of winter is coming!
Each tile in town is set to either "allow trees" or "do not allow trees". The latter are tiles which trees can never grow on, sometimes due to planned town features (such as the fountain) and sometimes just at random. A consequence of this is that if a tile contains a tree, it is an "allow trees" tile, hence cutting the tree down and planting a new one in its place will guarantee its growth.
- An exception to the above paragraph is when the town fountain is created; existing trees that are positioned immediately adjacent to the new fountain are not destroyed (as they would be for the appearance of a new villager's house), but if they are cut down and a fresh sapling or fruit is planted in their place, the replacement tree will not grow.*
Bell Trees
Grown by burying Bells with a golden shovel. These trees may produce three bags of Bells (a bit like fruit), each bag of Bells on the tree will be worth 30,000 bells, no matter how many bells were buried. Bells will only sprout once, and even if the tree grows there is no guarantee that bells will be produced. The chance of a Bell Tree producing Bells is 1 percentage point per 1,000 Bells buried. So if you bury 10,000 (ten thousand) Bells you have a 10% (ten percent) chance of the tree producing three lots of 30,000 Bells (90% of the time the tree will just be a regular tree). You can only plant one Bell tree a day, but can have more than one in your town at a time. Bell trees only produce bells one time, once shaken it's just like a normal tree.
However the maximum payout from Bell trees is three bags of 30,000 Bells. So if you bury 50,000 Bells you'll have a 50% chance of the tree producing three bags of 30,000 Bells.
Using 100 bell coins to plant trees, while very unlikely to produce bell trees, can be a convenient method to plant many trees during one session.
Chopping Down Trees
Stunted and fully developed trees can be chopped down with an axe. This leaves a stump, which can be removed using a shovel.In Animal Crossing on the Wii some bugs only appear on tree stumps, namely the Longhorn Beetle and the Violin Beetle.
Shaking Trees
Trees can be shaken to make them drop their contents. With fruit trees this is pretty obvious: the fruit drops. Normal and Cedar trees will sometimes drop 100 bells or furniture when shaken, or may contain bugs. Katrina in the City can sometimes help you get 300 bells from trees, instead of 100.WARNING: When shaking trees there is the risk of disturbing a bees nest, which will result in the bees chasing and stinging you, if you don't catch them with a net first or hide indoors. If you do get stung your villagers will all comment on it unless you are wearing a Mii Mask. You can buy medicine from Tom Nook's store for 400 bells once per day which will get rid of the sting, or you can save and reload and the sting will be gone. Bees will not appear if your gate is open.
NOTE: To get all the fruit down faster from the tree it is helpful to use the axe. Just hit the tree once and the fruit falls down. If you are afraid that after three times hitting the tree to get down fruit you will chop the tree down, don't be, because every time you get new fruit, the tree heals. This doesn't work on non-fruit trees. This takes much less time than shaking the trees.