Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Most Creative Room Contest!

3rd Place: Hannah
2nd Place: Lacey
1st Place: Stephanie

Good job!!  Very creative rooms, it was a fun contest!  Dont forget to collect your prizes! :)

Its time to show off your creativity!

We're having a "Most Creative Room Contest!

The Grand Prize gets 50 free items! Anything you choose! Yay!

Here are the rules:

1- Be creative- dont just stick an entire set of furniture (blue set, cabana set, gracie set, etc) in your room and think it will win.

2- Dont copy someone else's ideas, it must be your own submission.

3- When you have your room ready, take a picture of your room, and save it to an sd card, then email all pictures to me. (You can use the "email me" link on the right of the page)

4- All entries are due by Sept 15th, 2009, and I will pick the winner by Sept 20th. Prizes must be collected by Sept 30th, 2009.


1st place: 50 free items
2nd place: 25 free items
3rd plaice: Any one Special package of your choice (read the website to find out what is available)

Good luck, email me if you have any questions!

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