A basic axe.

Axe: Occasionally available in the tools section of Nook's shop (after upgrade to Nook 'n' Go) for 400 bells.
Silver axe:Occasionally given by Serena, summoned once per day by throwing a basic axe into the town fountain.
Golden axe:Occasionally given by Serena.
Purpose: An axe is used to cut down trees. This is used to clear away undesired trees to make a path or to redevelop and improve a town's environmental status. They can also be used to activate a Money Rock or cause a bug to come out from it.
Upgrades: The basic axe breaks and disappears from the inventory at 45 hits (or 15 trees). The item and its icon change to two stages of visible cracking before the axe breaks, and the player can use this to know roughly how close their axe is to breaking. Silver and golden axes cannot break.
A basic net. |

Net: Usually available in the tools section of Nook's shop (all incarnations) for 500 bells.
Silver net: Rarely available in the tools section of Nook's shop (after upgrade to Nook 'n' Go) for 500 bells.
Golden net: Given to the character by speaking to Tortimer after catching every bug.
Purpose: A net is used to catch bugs. Upon use the character swings the net in an arc over its head, catching a bug within range of the swing. Bugs are caught to be collected, donated to the museum, or sold for income.
Upgrades: The silver net is a tiny amount larger than the basic net. The golden net is larger than both.
A basic shovel. |

Shovel: Occasionally available in the tools section of Nook's shop (all incarnations) for 500 bells.
Silver shovel: Given by Resetti the first time a character enters the Surveillance Center.
Golden shovel: Buried shovels turn into golden shovels the next 6AM following burial.
Purpose: A shovel is used to dig holes in the ground, bury items in existing holes, retrieve buried items (such as fossils, gyroids or any manually buried item), remove tree stumps or saplings, and hit money rocks.
Upgrades: In addition to the above, a silver shovel provides a 10% chance at doubling the bells that appear from a money rock each time it is hit. A golden shovel does not do this, but allows the player to create saplings using bells, with a possibility of the resulting tree turning out as a money tree, with 3 sets of 30,000 bells. Every 1,000 bells you bury give you a 1% chance at a money tree (i.e. 50,000 bells buried gives you a 50% chance at a money tree) more info here
A basic fishing rod. |
Fishing Rods

Fishing rod: Usually available in the tools section of Nook's shop (all incarnations) for 500 bells.
Silver rod: Rarely available in the tools section of Nook's shop (after upgrade to Nook 'n' Go) for 500 bells.
Golden rod: Given to the character by speaking to Tortimer after catching every fish.
Purpose: A fishing rods is used to catch fish. Fish are caught to be collected, donated to the museum, or sold for income.
Upgrades: A silver rod attracts the attention of fish from further away than a basic rod. A golden rod also does so to a greater extent and also keeps a biting fish on the lure for longer, allowing the player more response time to complete the catch.
A basic slingshot |

Slingshot: Occasionally available in the tools section of Nook's shop (after upgrade to Nook 'n' Go) for 500 bells.
Silver slingshot: Rarely available in the tools section of Nook's shop (after upgrade to Nook 'n' Go) for 500 bells.
Golden slingshot: Appears as a "three-balloon" balloon after shooting down at least eight balloons.
Purpose: A slingshot is used to shoot balloons carrying presents, and the UFO of the special character Gulliver.
Upgrades: The basic slingshot fires a single pellet into the sky directly upards. The silver slingshot fires two pellets angling slightly away from each other, increasing the amount of sky covered. The golden slingshot fires three pellets, one centered with the other two to each side, to further increase coverage.
A basic watering can. |
Watering Cans

Watering can: Occasionally available in the tools section of Nook's shop (all incarnations) for 500 bells.
Silver can: Mail from "Posy Farm" after buying 50 bags of flower seeds at Nook's shop.
Golden can: Awarded by the Town Hall after maintaining the best environmental status for 15 consecutive days.
Purpose: A watering can is used to restore withering flowers in order to prevent them disappearing the following day. They are also used to water buried red turnips. The effective radius of the watering can is greater than the visual effect, and using it in one space will also water the spaces above, below and to the sides.
Upgrades: The silver can resets a wilted buried red turnip, making it count as "just planted" the following day. The golden does not do this, but instead turns wilting black roses into golden roses (which themselves never wilt). Both the silver and gold cans have a greater effective radius, watering all nine spaces surrounding the spot where it is used.

Timer: Occasionally available in the tools section of Nook's shop (after upgrade to Nook 'n' Go) for 500 bells.
The timer has no Silver or Gold varieties. Upon being started, the timer counts down from a limit the player sets (3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes). During this countdown, all players in the town (via Wi-Fi) are able to view the total number of fish and bugs caught by their character as well as other characters in town. When time runs out, the score (total bugs and fish caught during the time) is displayed over each characters' head.
The timer replaces the normal clock on screen while active, preventing the player from being able to see the current time. The timer can be stopped early, but removing it from the character's inventory does not automatically cancel the timer. If other characters in town own a timer, they can also cancel the timer's countdown.
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