I sell and deliver every item (including the items considered to be hacked) for the Animal Crossing:City Folk game for the Wii. I sell any 50 items for $5.00 per set. (This is half the price of what most people charge.)
What you get:
***Any 50 Items within the game.
Popular choices: (But feel free to make your own combination)
50 Royal Crowns (worth 15,000,000 bells) or
50 99K Bags of Bells or
4 Complete Furniture Sets with wallpaper and flooring or

50 different flowers, trees, or saplings (even jacob's ladders or gold roses!) or

50 KK Songs, Fossils, or authentic paintings for your museum or

25 Shirts and 25 Accessories or

ANY 50 Items of your Choice
Mix and Match! I have EVERY SINGLE ITEM you can have in this game!
*****Instructions to make your purchase: *******
~~~Please understand that this purchase is for 50 items in the Animal Crossing City Folk Game and in order to receive the items you must have the following:
**Nintendo Wii console with an internet connection (Wi-Fi)
**A copy of the Animal Crossing: City Folk game
In order to deliver the items to you I will need your Friend code, town name and character name (I will also provide you with mine) so that I can access your town to arrange delivery. I am in the Eastern Standard time zone, on the East Coast, USA. I will make all reasonable attempts to deliver your items to you within 24-48 hours of payment.
Upon receipt of payment, payment, please include in the notes your friend code information as well as any desired time of delivery. You may also leave your gate open for me and your desired drop off location if you do not need to be present for the delivery. If delivery cannot be made within 7 days after payment, the purchase will be refunded and your delivery will be cancelled.
Thank you so much for your business!
For lists of inventory items (most complete with pictures) please browse through the pages of my blog (to the right)!
I only allow payment from paypal, that way your payment is protected both for YOU and for ME by paypal. If I do not deliver, your money is refunded, and if you do not pay, I am protected. Credit cards only. I do have a 100% satisfaction guarantee from paypal/ebay. Once I get your payment, I will contact you for your character name, town name, friend code, and list of items, so if you would like to compile that list before you hear from me that would be wonderful! Thanks!!
**Also, please keep in mind, this payment is REAL money, and not bells :) It is my "Stay At Home Mom Job" and how I help contribute to my husband's paycheck. (Which, as we know, the military doesn't always pay much!) LOL
Thanks so much for viewing my page!
Wow excellent animal crossing review, I really like this and also love to play this game that I collect from PIJ. I also love animal crossing full series too. http://bit.ly/animal-crossing-3ds