August 2009
2nd - Firework's Show
Kaboom! The skies come alive Sunday nights in August. Find Tortimer to get a sparkler for yourself!
9th - Firework's Show
Kaboom! The skies come alive Sunday nights in August. Find Tortimer to get a sparkler for yourself!
15th - Bug-Off
Grab your nets and get ready to swing and swoosh your way to victory. Turn in the bug worth the most points by 6:00 p.m. for a trophy!
16th - Firework's Show
Kaboom! The skies come alive Sunday nights in August. Find Tortimer to get a sparkler for yourself!
23rd - Firework's Show
Kaboom! The skies come alive Sunday nights in August. Find Tortimer to get a sparkler for yourself!
30th - Firework's Show
Kaboom! The skies come alive Sunday nights in August. Find Tortimer to get a sparkler for yourself!
September 2009
7th - Labor Day
You've been working hard! Take a load off and enjoying a picnic basket present from Tortimer.
19th - Bug-Off
Grab your nets and get ready to swing and swoosh your way to victory. Turn in the bug worth the most points by 6:00 p.m. for a trophy!
27th - Flea Market
The townsfolk sell off their unwanted possessions.
October 2009
4th - Autumn Moon
The harvest is finished just in time for the full moon. Will the rare occurrence bring mysterious wonders? Track down Tortimer for the full scoop.
10th - Fishing Tourney (All Fish)
Come one, come all! Check the waters to see what's biting. You never know what you might find!
12th - Explorer's Day
Recognize the spirit of adventure today! Set sail with Tortimer to celebrate!
25th - Flea Market
The townsfolk sell off their unwanted possessions.
31st - Halloween
Will you get tricked or treated? Stock up on candy at Tom Nook's shop and find Jack for some spooky festivities.
November 2009
1st - Mushroom Finding Begins!
Collect mushrooms hidden throughout your town everyday this month. Some are just fungus among us and some are fine home decor from the Mushroom series. This is the only way to get this furniture!
21st - Fishing Tourney (Specific Fish)
Keep your eyes peeled for today's special fish!
22nd - Flea Market
The townsfolk sell off their unwanted possessions.
26th - Harvest Festival
It's a harvest hide and seek. Find Franklin and surrender your utensils for a gobbliny gift.
30th - Mushroom Finding Ends!
Collect mushrooms hidden throughout your town each day this month. Some are just fungus among us and some are fine home decor.
December 2009
6th - Naughty-or-Nice Day (Europe)
Visit a friend who lives in Europe, and meet Tortimer in their town for a sweet surprise!
12th - Fishing Tourney (All Fish)
Come one, come all! Check the waters to see what's biting. You never know what you might find!
21st - Midwinter's Day (Europe)
Visit a friend in Europe, and meet Tortimer in their town for a fiery gift!
25th - The Night That Jingle Comes To Town
Jingle, Jingle comes to town. For the nice? A present! For the naughty? A frown!
31st - New Year's Eve Countdown
Count down the New Year in style. See good 'ol Tortimer for some cool new threads!