Come and spend an hour in MY TOWN!! I have filled my town with at least one of every item in the game, including fish, bugs, fossils, flowers, clothing, furniture, tools (gold and silver too!)
Pretty much the things you see listed in the pages of my blog are in the fields of my town. Come explore...take what you like.
YOU GET ONE HOUR to go through my town and take whatever you want. The hour is all yours- no-one else gets in my town during YOUR hour. After your hour is over, I will reset my wii and reload my town for the next person.
HOWEVER many times you can come in and out of my town, filling your pockets with whatever you would like is up to you! You have the potential to grab UNLIMITED items!!
***Bonus- I have multiple royal crowns and 99k bags of bells in my town. They are not always in clusters so you will have to look around if you want multiples of these items. I have placed them in small groups. Also I have the flowers in groups of 5-10 each so you can create patterns if you like to take the flowers. (Its never fun having only one of any flower LOL) Flowers and fish are also shaped like leaves- so the flowers never die...and bugs are in little jars. Just a hint.

Keep in mind that the layout of my town will ALWAYS be the same, so if you would like to purchase this option more than once, you can re-visit my town and find things easier the next time!
(BY THE WAY--- Your friend code will only be loaded onto my game for the hour that you purchase.) Unless of course you purchase more than one hour.
**NOTE- YOU MUST LEAVE THROUGH THE FRONT GATE each and every time you come in and out of my town. You cannot leave through the phone upstairs in my bedroom, or by selecting "end party" or any other discovered means- this could also disconnect the wifi connection on accident. ALWAYS leave through the front gate PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE so you can keep all of your items and maintain wifi connection. I have CABLE internet so it doesn't ever cut out unless something bad happens like this.*** Thanks! :)